Advances in the Psychology of Human Intelligence

Advances in the Psychology of Human Intelligence

Book Review: Advances in the Psychology of Human Intelligence

As someone who is passionate about the field of psychology, I was excited to delve into Advances in the Psychology of Human Intelligence. Published in 1982 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates and written by Robert J. Sternberg, this book offers a comprehensive look at the concept of human intelligence.

One standout aspect of this book is its exploration of the different types of human intelligence. Sternberg does an excellent job of breaking down what it means to be intelligent beyond just traditional measures such as IQ scores. He also covers topics like practical intelligence and creativity, which are often overlooked in discussions about intelligence.

The author’s writing style is both engaging and informative, making Advances in the Psychology of Human Intelligence an enjoyable read despite its academic nature. Even as someone with a strong background in psychology, I found myself learning new information and gaining fresh perspectives throughout the book.

One area where I feel this book falls short is its age. While it was groundbreaking at the time of its publication, some of the concepts presented may now be outdated or even irrelevant. With that said, I still believe there is value to be found in reading Advances in the Psychology of Human Intelligence today.

In terms of score, I would give this book a solid 8 out of 10. Its exploration and expansion on the concept of intelligence make it a must-read for anyone interested in psychology or cognitive science. While parts may feel dated or irrelevant, overall it presents a well-rounded view that will leave readers with much to ponder.

See also  Cognitive Psychology For Dummies

Overall, reading Advances in the Psychology of Human Intelligence left me feeling informed and inspired to continue exploring what it means to be “intelligent.” It’s definitely worth checking out for anyone interested in deepening their understanding on this fascinating topic!

Advances in the Psychology of Human Intelligence

Advances in the Psychology of Human Intelligence

publishedDate : 1982

authors :

publishers : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

pageCount : 288

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