Cold People

Cold People

Book Review: Cold People

This book begins with a couple of historical vignettes about Antarctica then moves to the present day in Lisbon where Liza and her family are on holiday. What happens next made this book quite the page turner for me. Aliens have taken the earth and told humanity to make its way to Antarctica. So it becomes a survival story and this was interesting enough but then in the middle it also becomes a Sci-fi story .
This was an engrossing read. It was interesting that the author chose to follow relatively ordinary people in his narrative rather than world leaders or more traditional hero type characters. I enjoyed this choice, the characters feel real (but of course, it leaves lots of stuff to think about like who made decisions and how did they decide, etc) . The ending suggests there will be a sequel.

Cold People

publishedDate : 2023-02-07

authors : Tom Rob Smith

publishers : Simon and Schuster

pageCount : 368

Cold People by Tom Rob Smith review – a chilling vision of a new …

Cold People is Tom Rob Smith’s fifth novel, but in the years since his bestselling debut, Child 44, he has also developed a parallel award-winning career as a screenwriter, and the influence of …

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