Doing Sport Psychology

Doing Sport Psychology

Book Review: Doing Sport Psychology

As someone who is passionate about sports, I was excited to read Mark B. Andersen’s “Doing Sport Psychology” – and I was not disappointed. This book explores the intersection of sports and psychology, delving into the mental aspects of athletic performance.

One of the things that really stood out to me about this book was Andersen’s expertise in the field. As a professor at two different universities and an experienced sport psychologist, he brings a wealth of knowledge to the subject matter. It’s clear that he knows his stuff, which made me all the more eager to learn from him.

The content itself is also fantastic. Andersen covers a wide range of topics, from stress management to goal setting to self-talk. Each chapter is well-organized and provides practical tips for athletes (and coaches) looking to improve their mental game.

What really resonated with me though was how accessible this book was. While it certainly covers some complex concepts, Andersen explains everything clearly and in language that anyone can understand. I appreciated that he didn’t rely too much on technical jargon or academic lingo – it made the book feel like it was written for athletes first and foremost.

That being said, there were a few things about “Doing Sport Psychology” that I wasn’t crazy about. For one thing, I felt like some of the sections could have gone into more depth – but given the breadth of topics covered in just under 300 pages, it’s understandable why certain subjects get less attention than others.

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Overall though, I highly recommend “Doing Sport Psychology” for anyone who wants to up their mental game when it comes to sports. Whether you’re an athlete yourself or a coach looking for resources for your team, this book is a valuable addition to your library. It’s engagingly written by an expert in the field and filled with actionable advice – what more could you want?

Doing Sport Psychology

publishedDate : 2000

authors : Mark B. Andersen

publishers : Human Kinetics

pageCount : 293

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