Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology

Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology

Book Review: Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology

As a book critic, I recently had the pleasure of reading Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology by Alan S. Kornspan. This book, published by Human Kinetics in 2009, is a concise yet comprehensive guide to the world of sport and exercise psychology.

From the very beginning, Kornspan’s writing style is engaging and easy to read. He covers a broad range of topics, from the history of sport psychology to modern-day applications in both exercise and sport settings. One aspect that stood out to me was his inclusion of real-world examples and case studies throughout each chapter. These examples help illustrate how different concepts can be applied in practice.

The author also does an excellent job of breaking down complicated psychological theories into digestible chunks that even those without a background in psychology can understand. This makes Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology an accessible resource for coaches, athletes or anyone interested in learning more about this field.

One potential criticism I have with this book is that at times it can feel dry or academic. While this is understandable given the subject matter, some readers may struggle to stay engaged during certain sections.

Despite this minor issue, overall I found Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology to be an excellent resource. The book offers a wealth of knowledge on everything from motivation to goal-setting, with practical applications for both athletes and coaches alike.

As someone interested in sports psychology myself, I found that reading this book has really resonated with me. Not only have I learned so much about the subject matter but it has also given me a new appreciation for the role psychology plays in athletic performance.

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In terms of score, I would give Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology 4 out 5 stars due to its depth of knowledge but occasional lackluster writing style at times. In conclusion, if you’re looking for an informative read on sport psychology that is both accessible and comprehensive – this could be an excellent choice.

Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology

Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology

publishedDate : 2009

authors : Alan S. Kornspan

publishers : Human Kinetics

pageCount : 179

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Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology – Google Books

Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology provides a preparatory look at the opportunities and goals in the field of sport and exercise psychology . Rather than focus on theory and concepts, this text answers basic questions for newcomers to the field by providing information on what sport and exercise psychology is and what it has to offer.

Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology (Fundamentals of Sport …

Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology provides a preparatory look at the opportunities and goals in the field of sport and exercise psychology . Rather than focus on theory and concepts, this text answers basic questions for newcomers to the field by providing information on what sport and exercise psychology is and what it has to offer.

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