Rethinking Methods in Psychology

Rethinking Methods in Psychology

Book Review: Rethinking Methods in Psychology

Rethinking Methods in Psychology is a thought-provoking and insightful book that challenges traditional methods of research in psychology. Authors Jonathan A Smith, Rom Harre, and Luk Van Langenhove argue that it’s time to move away from the rigid scientific approach to psychology and consider more flexible and inclusive methods.

The book begins with a detailed examination of the historical roots of psychology and how it has evolved over time. It then delves into the current state of research methods in psychology, pointing out their limitations and advocating for a broader perspective. The authors argue that traditional methods tend to marginalize certain groups, such as women, minorities, and those with disabilities.

One of the most compelling aspects of Rethinking Methods in Psychology is how it makes you rethink your own assumptions about research methods. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that there’s only one “right” way to do things. But this book challenges those notions and encourages you to explore new avenues.

That said, I do have some criticisms of the book. While I appreciate its goal of inclusivity, some may find its rejection of scientific rigor too extreme. There’s no doubt that there are flaws in traditional methods, but throwing out science altogether seems like a step too far.

Overall though, Rethinking Methods in Psychology is an eye-opening read that will make you question how things have always been done. It’s an important reminder that progress often comes from challenging established ideas. If you’re interested in psychology or research methods more generally, this is a must-read book.

See also  Handbook of Counselling Psychology

Rethinking Methods in Psychology

publishedDate : 1995-09-07

authors : Jonathan A Smith, Rom Harre, Luk Van Langenhove

publishers : SAGE

pageCount : 224

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