The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology

The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology

Book Review: The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology

The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology is not just a book, it’s a journey through the wonders of music and human behavior. Written by Susan Hallam, Ian Cross, and Michael Thaut, this book is a must-read for anyone who is fascinated by the influence that music has on the human mind.

The book’s plot is divided into different sections that explore the relationships between music and emotions, cognition, development, health and well-being. Each chapter within these sections delves deeper into each topic, presenting theories and findings that are sure to pique your interest.

One of the things that I appreciate about this book is how approachable it is. The authors don’t shy away from using technical terms when necessary but they also do their best to explain them in a way that anyone can understand. This makes the book accessible to both academics and casual readers alike.

Furthermore, The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology manages to balance depth with breadth. Each chapter deals with complex topics while also pulling in examples from different genres of music from around the world. This gives readers a well-rounded understanding of how music can impact us in different ways.

As I read this book, I found myself constantly impressed by how much research has been done on music psychology. There were so many findings that challenged my assumptions about how we perceive and respond to music. For example, did you know that listening to sad music can actually make us feel better? Or that playing music consistently over time can help improve our working memory?

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Overall, I found The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology to be an enlightening read. It has given me a greater appreciation for just how powerful music can be in shaping our thoughts and emotions. Whether you’re an avid musician or simply someone who loves listening to their favorite tunes on their commute home from work, this book is sure to leave an impression on you.

The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology

The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology

publishedDate : 2016

authors : Susan Hallam, Ian Cross, Michael Thaut

publishers : Oxford University Press

pageCount : 950

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