The Psychology of Happiness

The Psychology of Happiness

Book Review: The Psychology of Happiness

The Psychology of Happiness by Michael Argyle is a must-read book for anyone who is interested in understanding the science behind happiness. The author, a well-known social psychologist, provides an engaging and informative overview of the latest research on the topic.

Argyle delves into some of the most important questions surrounding happiness such as what factors contribute to our overall sense of well-being and can we become happier and more fulfilled? He argues that while genetics play a role in our emotional disposition, there are other factors such as relationships, meaningful work, and leisure activities that can boost our overall levels of happiness.

One of the standout features of this book is how easy it is to read. Argyle peppers his explanations with interesting anecdotes and relatable examples that make the research come alive. He also provides readers with practical tips on how to increase their own sense of happiness.

The publisher, Routledge, has done an excellent job with the formatting and design of this book. The clear font and well-spaced paragraphs make it easy on the eyes while the colorful diagrams add visual interest.

While there were many aspects of this book that I enjoyed, I did find some sections to be a bit dry or academic. However, given its subject matter, this should not come as a surprise to any reader.

Overall, The Psychology Of Happiness is a thoughtful and accessible read that will undoubtedly leave you feeling more informed about what brings us true joy in life. Highly recommended!

See also  A History of Psychology

The Psychology of Happiness

The Psychology of Happiness

publishedDate : 2013-10-23

authors : Michael Argyle

publishers : Routledge

pageCount : 288

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